playground build – amazing – click here.
Many thanks to everyone who supported, volunteered and nourished the park activity to date. A major chunk of the work is complete (including a colourful new playground and ½km walking path). Remaining activity will be finished spring 2012.
We’re thankful for our funding sponsors. More than 100 Platinum Sponsor donations have come in from all across Canada, USA, Singapore and England to support naming rights for Aden’s Playground.
Dakota Dunes Community Development Corporation is a Gold Sponsor for the playground sand and border. Associated Engineering and Friends of the Park provided their support with funds and services. (see: Sponsor Recognition)
Our village administrator Jessie has been great support and continues to help with grant assistance to hopefully purchase a snow blower to keep the walking path clear in the winter. In the meantime if there are any ‘Snow Angels’ with a snow blower and some time; those winter walkers would much appreciate any time and path clearing services you can donate.
Hats off to our Playground Committee! Renee Adam, Judy King, Cindy Sjoberg, Judy Rathie, Aimee Haynes, Alice MacKay and Ruth Glatt
As well as assistance and guidance provided by the Parks, Recreation & Culture Board, the Tree Committee and Village Council.
The Inter-Generation design will play an important role in citizens’ healthy lifestyle and supports a sense of community. The Shields concept will provide recreation to promote development of healthy bodies and community spirit.
The park is located in the Generation Park. For more information click on the following links.