Potable Water
Shields has a year-round potable water system that provides Saskatoon water purchased through the Dundurn Rural Water Utility. Each residence has a curb stop for Village shut-off and a water meter to track usage.
Seasonal residents that do not occupy their property year-round are reminded to contact Village Operations 306-492-7922 to have the water turned on or off at the curb stop. If the property is not heated over the winter, the meter must also be removed by the Village to avoid damage from freezing. It is advisable to drain all water lines and have holding tanks pumped out before freeze up.
Residents should ensure their curb stop is easily located and accessible to Village Operations to avoid any delay in an emergency such as flooding to have the water shut off. Unauthorized tampering resulting in damage to the curb stops and the Village water supply will be at the expense of the property owner.
Rates and Quarterly Billing
- Basic annual charge for water is $300 which is billed $75 quarterly Plus
- Consumption cost of $6.50 per cubic meter
- Note: Quarterly utility bills include water and sewer costs – See Wastewater for details.
- To receive your utility bill by email, please complete the Email Consent Form and submit to the Village Office. Payments can be made by E-transfer to the Village email [email protected] or by mail to the Village Office.
See Water Policy – On/Off Call Out Fees – Dial before you Dig for other service costs

Potable Water Fill Station
A coin-operated year-round potable water fill station is available at the pump house at 53 Memorial Drive.
Water Quality
The Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment requires that at least once each year waterworks owners provide notification to consumers of the quality of water produced and supplied as well as information on the performance of the waterworks in submitting samples as required by a Minister’s Order or Permit to Operate a waterworks.
Seasonal Irrigation Water System (Non-potable)
Shields seasonal irrigation system operates from mid-May until mid-October and is part of annual property taxes. This non-potable water supply is a raw water system used to irrigate the village green spaces, golf course and resident’s yards and gardens. The system is a great asset to the Village and its residents which helps to make irrigation of our green spaces much more economical in comparison to using the potable water supply.
As the seasonal water is non-potable it is illegal to connect directly to a residence. If a direct hook-up to a residence is discovered, it will be immediately severed and the property owner will be responsible for all costs according to Water Policy – On/Off Call Out Fees. Ensure to Dial before you Dig for other service costs.