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Blackstrap Water Levels

We have received the following message from Water Security Agency:

Drought conditions are causing water supply challenges along the canal system east of Lake Diefenbaker resulting in the Water Security Agency taking temporary corrective actions.

High evaporation and high irrigation demand along the canal system has reduced Broderick Reservoir levels such that measures are needed to stop further decline. The Water Security Agency is reducing outflows from Broderick Reservoir to the Saskatoon South East Water Supply (SEWSS) canal by 25%, with South Saskatchewan River Irrigation District (SSRID) irrigation withdrawals concurrently being reduced in stages until reservoir levels stabilize.

After a discussion with the water Security Agency I have found that this means the levels of Blackstrap Lake will be dropping about 1.5cm per day. The indication is that the water levels should only be dropping for a week or so, but they will provide me with more information as they have it. This notice will give you a chance to lower your boat lift if necessary.

If you have any questions you can reach out to Sask Water at: