Below are a few updates from Operations and Maintenance.
- Staff continue to work to resolve irrigation issues. Most recently they have been working in the well. Please be patient while the causes are identified and remedied.
- For maintenance inquiries from June 1 -7 please contact Glenn Robbie at 306-361-4217.
- For all other inquires continue to contact the village office at 306-492-2259.
- We would like to encourage everyone in Shields to be FireSmart. I have attached “Begins at Home” a great resource from Fire Smart Canada. Please consider the following points around your home:
- Implementing FireSmart principles to your regular yard work routine will make a big impact in reducing your risk to fire. Measures taken within 10 metres of your home will have the biggest impact. Regular maintenance and cleaning in the corners and crevices of your home and yard where needles and debris build up will leave nothing for embers to ignite. Remember to remove any windblown leaves under decks, as well as any flammable debris from balconies, and patios. Maintain a 1.5 metre non-combustible surface around your home and any attachments, like decks.
- A mowed lawn is a fire-resistant lawn. Grasses shorter than 10 centimetres in height are less likely to burn intensely.”
- Wood piled against a house is a major fire hazard. Moving your firewood pile may be the factor that allows your home to survive a fire. Move firewood piles 10 – 30 metres from your home.
Thanks and have a good evening!
