Speed Limit
The speed limit throughout the Village, except for Memorial Drive, is 20 KM.
Please respect the speed limit to ensure the safety of our children, neighbors, and all residents of Shields!!
Maintenance Building
The Maintenance Building is the hub for operational staff to use as a workshop, repair centre and storage for Village equipment and tools. The building is equipped with safety back-up lights to warn that machinery and workers are backing out of the maintenance building onto Memorial Drive roadway and to be cautious when passing this area.
Roads and Maintenance
The Village roads are maintained year-round by the Operations staff for snow removal and general maintenance. Contractors are engaged for grading, gravelling and annual application of dust control.
Road Projects
- South Mawson to Highway 211 Connector Road Project 2023
The road connecting South Memorial to Highway 211 was completed in 2023. This allows residents to have an all-weather road to safely access and exit the village. This project was a collaborative effort between the village and the RM of Dundurn. A grant was obtained for 50% of the cost of the road. - South Memorial Road Project 2019
At the 2019 Annual Information meeting Council announced the South Memorial Road Project that would start in July. The new road from Outlaws Ravine to the southern boundary of the Village would address the many concerns with the existing undeveloped road; first and foremost, safety. The new roadway project was completed in October 2019.