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Property Assessment 2025

Please be advised that this is a reassessment year. This means that every single property in Saskatchewan has had their property value re-evaluated by the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency [SAMA]. This happens every four years in our province.

Just over a week ago every single resident was a mailed copy of their assessment. You should be receiving yours shortly,  if you have not already.   Please take a close look at your assessment for errors. You will see a comparison between your assessed value from 2024 and the new assessment for 2025.

You will also see that we have enclosed the “Walk Sheet” for each property with the assessment notice.  These are the details for your property and all improvements [House, garage, sheds etc.]. Please check these over as well. If you removed a shed, lost a building to a fire, took out an old deck etc. and it is still on your sheet this should be corrected.

Please be advised that the municipal office has no control over assessed values, nor can we correct errors. If you see errors or if you have questions you will need to contact SAMA directly.

We are part of the Saskatoon Regional Office, and their staff can be reached at:

Saskatoon Regional Office

#701 - 333 3rd Avenue North
Saskatoon SK S7K 2M2
306-933-5810 or 1-800-667-5203
[email protected]
Manager: Randy Raimbault

If SAMA agrees there is an error, they will advise on next steps.  If you and SAMA do not agree and you wish to appeal your assessment those instructions are on the blue assessment form. You will have to complete the form and either email it directly to the appeal secretary or provide it to this office and we can forward for you. A $50.00 fee must accompany each appeal. If you are successful that fee will be returned to you.

You will have to had spoken with SAMA, completed the form, and have your form confirmed to be with the secretary prior to April 28. NO exceptions.

If you need to speak with this office regarding your assessment, please call the administrator Kelly Dodd at (306) 492 -2259. Please do not leave this to the last minute.

If you do not receive your assessment shortly, please contact the office as soon as possible.