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Reminder: Organics Cart Comprehensive Program – Optional

This is a reminder to complete the short survey to show your interest in the Composting Organics Cart Program.  We are extending the survey to the end of the week to allow everyone an opportunity to participate.  Please respond by Friday, March 3, 2023.

Thank you if you have already completed the survey.  If you haven’t, please click on the link below:

To begin the survey please click on the link below.

Thanks again!


Click for Full Brochure

Council has had several residents express interest in an organic compositing program.  Our current waste provider, Loraas Disposal, offers an Organics Cart Comprehensive Program.

This program provides a 95 Gallon Cart to each household for a flat rate of $6.50.  As well, if you chose to join, Loraas will reduce your garbage rate by $1.15 per month from $14.85 to $13.00.  Considering these rate changes, the additional fee to join this program would be $4.55 per month.  The organic cart service is picked up every two weeks through the summer and early fall, with monthly service in the winter months.

Loraas requires a minimum of 60 households to subscribe to the program to provide this service to our community.  To determine if there is enough interest, we are asking each household to complete the survey below.  We will provide additional information once it is determined if there are enough interested households to move forward.

Thank you for completing the survey by Tuesday, February 28, 2023.  This is a short survey with two questions and will take only a minute of your time. Please respond so that we hear from as many households as possible.

To begin the survey please click on the link below.


Thank you!