Please be aware that a coyote has been sighted within the village limits. A picture has been included below.
For your information I have included the following information from the City of Edmonton, to help keep people and pets safe.
To prevent coyote attacks on humans, modern wildlife management focuses on ‘aversive conditioning’. This practice tries to change an animal’s behaviour by making every human coyote encounter unpleasant for the animal. This method only works if we all respond to coyote encounters aggressively. If a coyote does approach, make it feel unwelcome. They should not feel comfortable around us.
Take These Immediate Steps
- Clap your hands loudly and firmly towards the animal
- Respond to its presence aggressively by making yourself appear large (wave your arms overhead or swing objects like a walking stick at the coyote)
- Throw rocks, sticks or other objects to scare it away
- Carry a whistle and blow it to startle the animal
- Carry dog spray in areas highly frequented by coyotes
- Shout in a deep voice and maintain eye contact
- Do not turn away or run. This may trigger a natural predator/prey instinct and might encourage the coyote to chase after you
- If the coyote continues to approach, back away slowly and move toward buildings or human activity. Coyotes may remain near a source of food or a den site, and this could be the reason they refuse to leave. Be mindful of situations like this, and remove attractants if possible
I have also attached a Coyote pamphlet from the City of Saskatoon that has additional information.