Blue Green Algae Levels
Our recent lake water tests have come back with the result of Blue Green Algar/Microcystin in exceedance of the allowable amount. A large algae bloom
Our recent lake water tests have come back with the result of Blue Green Algar/Microcystin in exceedance of the allowable amount. A large algae bloom
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Memorial Drive will be closed today and possibly tomorrow; this will be entirely weather dependent. There will be South access from Mawson Drive only. Regular
There will also be a work bee in Outlaws Ravine to clear the remaining dead-fall on Saturday August 17th from 9-12. Volunteers are welcome! Cold
Please be advised that a bear was spotted 1 ½ miles West of Shields, with reports that he may have moved closer. Please be mindful
The Resort Village of Shields has instated a PARTIAL FIRE BAN. NO FIREWORKS Bylaw 7-15 And outdoor fires as per Bylaw 4-99 a campfire or outdoor fireplace
The pruning bees will continue on Friday mornings, 9-12 (weather dependent) in Generations Park. People can just show up with their clippers, loppers, pruning and
Please be advised that the Wednesday, July 17th regular meeting of the Resort Village of Shields council has been changed to Wednesday, July 24. 7:00