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Blue Green Algae Levels

Our recent lake water tests have come back with the result of Blue Green Algar/Microcystin in exceedance of the allowable amount. A large algae bloom was observed on Tuesday morning at the Aspen Grove Beach within Blackstrap Prov. Park. The bloom has since moved away from the area, but the SHA has placed an advisory for the Aspen Grove Beach only. I have been asked to notify the surrounding communities of this result, as the bloom has potential to appear in other shoreline areas of the reservoir.

An advisory will be posted shortly on the Healthy Beaches Program website:

Please see attached for more info and distribution

Please find enclosed a notice from the Government of Saskatchewan regarding Blue Green Algar levels. We are distributing for your information.

The Resort Village is monitoring the situation and will provide more information as it comes available.

Toxic Algae Levels PDF

Healthy Beaches PDF